Friday, October 4, 2013

Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Solar Cell

Solar cells are devices that convert photon energy into electricity. There are several types of solar cells regarding the materials which are used. The common structure of solar cell is configured by p-n junction where electron-hole pair generation takes place, and electrodes to transfer the electrons. There are other components installed in some solar cells in order to improve efficiency such as inserting intrinsic semiconductor in enlarge the area of photocurrent generation or reflector to enhance photon energy. The example of organic and inorganic solar cells is presented in Fig. 1. The mechanism of power generation of solar cells is due to photovoltaic effect  which explains that light of certain wavelengths is able to ionize the atoms in semiconductor materials and the internal electric field produced by the p-n junction separates some of the positive charges ("holes") from the negative charges (electrons) which then are transferred to the electrodes. Here, the band gap between p-type and n-type semiconductors determines the specific absorbance of light.

a.     Structure, Mechanism, and Energy Loss Factor of Solar Cell

 Fig. 1 The example of organic solar cell using semiconducting polymers (a) [1] and silicon based-solar cell (b) [2].

Regarding the overall energy conversion efficiency in solar cell, several possible losses should be considered such as losses due to non-absorption of long wave length , thermalization of the excess energy of photon total reflection , incomplete absorption due to finite thickness , electron-hole recombination, electrode coverage (shading losses), voltage factor, and fill factor.

It can be expressed as

Fig.2 Typical I-V characteristic of nanowire dye-sensitized solar cell [3]

Experimentally, the efficiency of solar cells is defined from I-V measurement result, as depicted in Fig. 2 which contains direct information about fill factor. The maximum power generated by a solar cell is dependent on this value. In a practical solar cell, the FF is lower than the ideal value due to voltage drop both by series resistance and current leakage.
b.      High Efficiency-Solar Cells
Basically, solar cells can be categorized at least into 5 categories in which each type has efficiency limit regarding recent progress. There are emerging photovoltaic system (such as dye sensitized cell), thin film solar cells (such as amorphous Si:H solar cells), c-Si solar cells,  single-junction GaAs, and multi-junctions solar cells. The researches progress for achieving higher conversion efficiency for different category of solar cell is summarized in below table.

Table 1 | Researches toward high efficiency solar cell
Schematic Devices
Emerging Photo-Voltaic Cells

Dye-sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC) [4]
DSSC is similar with photosynthesis in the use of a dye as the light harvester to produce excited electrons, TiO2 replacing carbon dioxide as the electron acceptor, iodide/tri-iodide (I-/I3-) replacing water and oxygen as the electron donor and oxidation product and a multilayer structure (similar to the thylakoid membrane) to enhance both the light absorption and electron collection efficiency. It was reported that the efficiency has reached about 11.4 % [5] by improving the open circuit potential with introduction of co-absorber to avoid dye aggregation and reduce the charge recombination.
Thin film solar cells

Si:H based solar cells [6]
Thin film solar cell is made by depositing one or more thin layers of photovoltaic material on a substrate. The thickness range of such a layer is wide and varies from a few nanometers to tens of micrometers. Reductions in the requisite thickness are a pathway to reduce costs for most solar cell materials, as well as a route to higher open circuit voltages due to decreased bulk recombination. But, offsetting the reduced photocurrent is necessary which can be done by light trapping [6]. In case of aSi:H based solar cell the highest stable efficiency so far is 13.4% [7]
c-Si solar cells

Passivized Emitter Rear Localized (PERL) Cell [8]
As being the largest market share of solar cell business, the crystalline silicon PV cell is essentially a diode with a semiconductor structure. Representative example of high-efficiency mono-crystalline silicon PV cells is PERL cell. The highest energy conversion efficiency for PERL cell reported so far is 25% [8]. This value is below the single crystal Si based solar cell which was reported to have 27.6 % of conversion efficiency [9].
Single-junction GaAs Solar cells

Single Junction GaAs Solar Cell [10]
Owing to its direct band gap and high electron mobility, gallium arsenide (GaAs) based compound semiconductor has advantages over silicon. In case of photovoltaic application, limiting the emission angle of a high-quality GaAs solar cell becomes a feasible route to achieving power conversion efficiencies above 38% with a single junction [11]. But, experimentally, it was found that highest efficiency was about 28.8% using thin film crystal [12].
Multi-junction solar cells

Schematic diagram of a multi-junction (MJ) solar cell [13]
The highest conversion efficiency among 5 types of solar cells being discussed here is multi-junction solar cell which has reached 44 % using terrestrial concentrator [12]. In MJ solar cell, semiconductors with different band gaps convert different portions of the solar spectrum to reduce thermalization losses. Light-management architectures are also applicable for reaching ultrahigh efficiency [14].

c.       Low-cost Solar Cells
As mentioned in previous section, mainly the solar cell that can be categorized as lowest-cost one is emerging PV especially dye-sensitized solar cell. In case both fabrication method and cost, this type does not require complicated manufacturing process compared to silicon based solar cell and even some of examples can be made by home industry. The issues and challenges are the conversion efficiency and durability for long-term use. Several improvements have been done to reach better efficiency as described in Table 2.

Table 2 | Researches toward low-cost solar cell
Nanomaterial Design
Better nanostructure design for better collection of charges and higher surface roughness factor for higher dye loading capacity

Hierarchical TiO2 tubular macrochannel arrays (HTTMAs) [15]
229.6 m2g-1 high surface area of HTTMA showed 8.1 % of energy conversion efficiency, a better efficiency than TiO2 nanoparticles based DSSC. HTTMAs were produced by one step hydrothermal method without template or electric filed assistant. This method was the simplification of common alkaline hydrothermal method which requires anodic aluminum oxide template or anodic oxidation.
Low electron recombination rates by optimizing active layer thickness of electrolyte layers

Schematic of thin DSSC [16]
Trapping/detrapping processes and electrons exchange between semiconductor and electrolyte in DSSC determine recombination rates.  Low electron recombination rates and high electron generation is expected to achieve good conversion efficiency. It was shown that increasing active layer of DSSC and decreasing bulk electrolyte layer would further increase the cell efficiency thus defined the optimum thickness of DSSC.
Low electron recombination rates by increasing energy barrier between ZnO and TiO2

Schematic band structure of DSSC using additional energy barrier [17]
Another way to increase transportation rates of electrons toward decreasing the recombination of electrons in dye or electrolyte is by creating energy barrier in the working electrode. ZnO-coated TiO2 electrode was chosen as part of it. This working electrode was fabricated by using simple dip coating method and the efficiency calculation showed the increase from 5.45 % (without ZnO coating) to 6.62 % (with ZnO coating).
Better ligand exchange process to increase hydrophility and anchoring-sites for dyes

TEM image of acetic acid-treated TiO2 photo anode [18]
The efficiency of DSSC is also directly related to the quantity of the adsorbed dye on the photo-anode layer. Thus, TiO2 photo-anode should have lots of anchoring sites for dyes. The acetic acid treatment on photo electrode was reported to increase hydrophility which was advantageous for the adsorption of dye molecules. The result showed there was optimum concentration that suited for DSSC.
Adding new functional parts: reflectors to reduce the energy losses caused by the inactive areas

Sketch of reflector [19]
The energy losses caused by the inactive areas decrease the overall efficiency of DSSC. The application of reflectors to collect more photons so that energy losses due to inactive areas decreased has been reported. Increasing the reflectance from 0 to 0.9 increased the total area efficiency around 1.12 %.

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[12]  M. A. Green, K. Emery, Y. Hishikawa, W. Warta and E.D. Dunlop, Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 21 (2013) 1-11
[13]  U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (2013)
[14]   A. Polman and H. A. Atwater,  Nature Materials 11 (2012) 174-177
[15]  X.  Wang, H. Li, Y. Liu, W. Zhao, C. Liang, H. Huang, D. Mo, Z. Liu, X. Yu, Y. Deng, H. Shen, Applied Energy 99(2012) 198-205
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[19]  Y. D. Zhang, X. M. Huang, D. M. Li, Y. H. Luo, Q. B. Meng, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 98 (2012) 417–423

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