As the reader undoubtedly knows, the basic idea in digital design is to communicate information with signals representing 1s or 0s. In order to maximize the speed of operation of a digital system, the timing uncertainty of a transition through the threshold region must be minimized. This means that the rise or fall time of the digital signal must be as fast as possible. Ideally, an infinitely fast edge rate would be used, although there are many practical problems that prevent this. Realistically, edge rates of a few hundred picoseconds can be encountered. The reader can verify with Fourier analysis that the quicker the edge rate, the higher the frequencies that will be found in the spectrum of the signal.
Every conductor has a capacitance, inductance, and frequency-dependent resistance. At a high enough frequency, none of these things is negligible. Thus a wire is no longer a wire but a distributed parasitic element that will have delay and a transient impedance profile that can cause distortions and glitches to manifest themselves on the waveform propagating from the driving chip to the receiving chip. The wire is now an element that is coupled to everything around it, including power and ground structures and other traces. The signal is not contained entirely in the conductor itself but is a combination of all the local electric and magnetic fields around the conductor. The signals on one interconnect will affect and be affected by the signals on another. Furthermore, at high frequencies, complex interactions occur between the different parts of the same interconnect, such as the packages, connectors, vias, and bends. All these high-speed effects tend to produce strange, distorted waveforms that will indeed give the designer a completely different view of high-speed logic signals.
(eCAE Internal Education: System R&D, SEIN R&D Center)
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